Essential Oil Rollers

Did you know that I am an essential oil enthusiast? Essential oils have been a passion of mine for quite a few years now. Although I know quite a bit about them, I also know that there is so much more to learn. In the meantime, I thoroughly enjoy coming up with that perfect aroma, to not only smell good but feel the feels of the oils. So I decided to add on another passion of mine and share it with you.
Each of these hand picked rollers have a meaning, a feel I want you to feel, an aroma that I want you to take with you all day long. They have a special place in my heart because I know we are too hard on ourselves. Sometimes it takes someone else telling you, you are enough, you are beautiful, you have an abundance and to stay calm in this moment and take a breathe.
God wants you to be your best YOU and so do I. These are the perfect little reminder that you are all of these things and much more. No more worries, my friend. Let it go and keep pushing forward.